Friday, April 3, 2009

What the fuck? Did I just land a kickflip?!

It's night time again, and I realized that my blogs are more and more apart, time wise. I guess that it's mainly twitters fault since it just takes mere seconds to just write what you're doing. So all that twittering stops the accumulation of things that would otherwise put into two, or three blogs! No matter, this isn't a regular blog anyways. I'm here to write about the things that bother me, and lately, not that many things bother me! Well, of course there are some, but they're forgotten after mere minutes. For instance, the whole "girlfriend" thing. I just try and not think about it really because if I do think about it, it just hurts more and more. And my just letting things be, I can't hold a grudge against my girlfriend, making me a lot less nasty on the phone, and a lot less bitchy as well.
The one thing that's creeping up however, is the philosophy final exam. I would love an A in that class, and I think that the only way to do so is to do extremely well on the final. The weird thing is that, even though I do feel this way, I still won't study for some reason. Maybe because I'm ready for the semester to end.
My songwriting is going well, by the way. Something interesting, whenever I'm out smoking, I usually come up with a lyric, or a riff. A couple months ago, those riffs would only remain in my head, simply because I just couldn't bring them into reality for lack of skills. Lately though, almost every riff I come up with in my mind, I can play on the guitar in five minutes or so. Pretty fucking cool, if you ask me.
I skateboarded again today, and you know what's weird? I can't pop ollies like I used to but I was able to land 5-6 kickflips! But wait, it doesn't stop there! I haven't landed a kickflip in over a year and a fucking half. I think my legs are retarded. Ah well, whatever. It's not like I care anymore, I just want to skate.
You know, cause nothing compares to riding a board down the street.

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