Friday, April 24, 2009

I wonder...

First off, I'd like to apologize for not posting yesterday. And now, I realize how no one really reads this shit but me. you finally got it right for once. Shut it. Anyhow, have you ever gotten that feeling that you're meant to be something? Something more than just what you are at this moment? I don't know, I have that vision for myself. I don't think it's vanity, I just think that that's how it might possibly be. This might also be a giant mistake because someday, I'll realize how wrong I was, and fall into a depression. I always was, and always will be, and optimist though. No matter what, I still have these self inflicted images of grandeur. Whatever. I can't wait to get a band started, make things happen, get the wheel turning. Because no matter how much you wish, nothing's going to happen, unless you make it happen. Man, I'm still confused though, as much as I was a couple days ago. It's only because I'm unsure of everything. No, scratch that, I'm impatient is what it is. Impatient for the things to come. Doesn't really matter what's going to happen; all the matters is that something happens. I just dislike the present. Yeah, that's an accurate way of putting it, I suppose.
You know, cause it hits the point.

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