Sunday, April 12, 2009

I woke up and smelled the coffee.

And yet again, I realize that I won't be something special, something out of the norm that is normality. I realized that I won't become a famous musician, or be in a famous band because I just started out too late, as always. However, it doesn't bother me at all. Why? Well, because I like songwriting, and I like playing the guitar, and I'm just gonna keep doing it because I like it, just like I keep on skateboarding even though I know I won't go pro. I did sort of give up on drawing because it just wasn't my thing. But yeah, that's all I think I'm going to talk about right now.
Also, I have plenty of stuff to do tomorrow, and this weekend in general.
You know, cause at the end of things, stuff tends to pile up.

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