Saturday, April 4, 2009

Six coneys to go!

So it's true that practice does make perfect. I've been writing songs these past couple of weeks, and with every new one, people say that I'm getting better at it. Of course, it's still horrible but the point is that it's becoming less horrible. if you're making it, it's going to stay that way. Never mind that, as long as they think it's good. Uh anyway, yeah. I'm currently writing a new song, titled "...And the world was colorful again". I've already got down the first verse, and the chorus. All that's left now is the second verse, and the bridge.
On oher news, I went to downtown Detroit today with two of my new friends. Yeah, we went to watch sports. Basketball, I think it was called. All jokes aside, It was pretty fun since it wasn't the usual dreary Detroit, but a Detroit where people still roamed the streets, and the roads were packed all night. And we capped it all off with two Coney Dogs each, from this place called Lafayettes.
You know, cause Coney dogs are the shit.

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