Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My friends.

Another night has come to an end, and I feel as random as ever. All the things are happening at the drop of the hat, and I don't think I like it. I mean, I used to be a spontaneous person, but I think that being in college has changed that. I like being in my room doing nothing, even if I say otherwise. However, I wouldn't be doing much anyways in my room, at least not at this point in my life, so I guess doing other things is better than nothing. I am losing precious writing, and recording, time though.
I forgot how good it feels to have friends, to have someone to talk to about your problems. Even if you're not that close, it still beats having all of the things that trouble you locked away in some part of your psyche, having it eat at you.
You know, cause it just sucks.

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