Monday, April 13, 2009

Errr, what?

For some time now, I cannot remember my dreams for more than five minutes after I wake up. This isn't how it used to be though. I used to be able to remember almost a hundred percent of my dreams for more than a day! I don't know what triggered this change but I do not enjoy it one bit.
For something completely random, Tony Hawk set up an easter egg hunt but decided to hide skateboards, instead of the traditional eggs. The moment I read on twitter the location of the first board here where I live, I immediately bolted out of my dorm room in the frantic state of mind that only a hunt can induce. I hauled ass; literally sprinted to the location I thought was the correct one. The sad part is that I spent almost five minutes searching at the wrong location, when I realized that I was supposed to be looking somewhere else. As I got my bearings, I saw this man running to the very same location I was running to. As he went through the gate, being the daredevil that I am, I jumped over the fence and hoped against hope that my nemesis hadn't found it. Alas, that was not the case, as I saw him running away, with the board in his hand. I called out to him, congratulated him, and told him my story. Being the cool guy that he was, he gave me a ride back to my dorm.
The weird thing about this? I wasn't bitter, like I would normally be in another circumstance similar to this. All I could feel was happiness, because it was just so fun! The running, the ridiculousness of it all...ah, it was a good time.
Another thing that happened today is that, when I sent a song I had recorded earlier today to a friend, she told me that I sounded a lot like Tom DeLonge. Two years ago, fuck, a year ago, I would have been ecstatic to hear this because ever since I started playing guitar, my dream was to play the guitar, and sing, like Tom DeLonge. Now that I'm trying to be original, and escape that, I end up sounding like him. Isn't that something? It's funny how life throws these subtle, yet karmic curve balls. No wonder people write so many songs about karma.
You know, cause karma's a bitch.

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