Sunday, April 5, 2009

My back hurts.

These past few days, I feel rejuvenated. Things bother me less than what they usually do, and I think that this is because I started skateboarding again. I know I sound like I'm on repeat or something but the fact is, skateboarding has always had a major impact on my life. Now for something that's going to sound pretty odd: I apparently look like a skater. My best friend told me this when we were chatting with cameras. He said that I look like a straight-up skate rat. Now, this isn't the first time we've chatted like this, and he mentioned this yesterday. It's like I've undergone a mental, and physical transformation. Also, my legs are starting to get their strength back. I no longer get sore after a couple hours of doing it. I find that amazing for one.
You know, cause my legs got back in shape after only three sessions.

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