Monday, March 23, 2009

Teeny Tiny.

Stupid astronomy course, just when all my troubles consist of finding a way of being different from the masses, becoming someone that will be a couple leaps ahead, astronomy fucks it all up. Why, you ask? Because it keeps on reminding me how small and insignificant all of this is! It's like today, the professor was talking about how the Milky Way has a billion stars, and "of course!" so does the Andromeda galaxy, and so do the billions of other galaxies. Thank you, Mr. Pruneau. Reality is a god damned bitch, but she's pretty sobering too. Now, I don't waste my time worrying about becoming the smartest bunch in the nut, I waste it thinking about how lonely this "God" person must be. All of that universe, and nothing else except for us humans. If what the Christians say is true, that is. Shit, we must be really exciting to watch or something, if he were to stick around, being all omnipotent and whatnot, like a kid with a Chia Pet.
On a cooler note, I'm currently following the excitement that is Jonah Hill and Seth Rogen on twitter. I am a sad person indeed. I need to start writing some more songs by the way, been scratching away at my guitar, but not on my notebook. real witty dumbass, did it take all of your brain powers to think that up? yeah, figured as much. Actually, it did not. I did not have to think about that one, hehehe.
You know, cause I'm so funny.

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