Sunday, March 29, 2009


It's been one whole day since I last blogged I think. Shit, this whole blogging thing has become semi-important to me. Ever since I started this whole thing as a way to keep my mind off of things at night, I feel that I owe it to myself to continue doing this thing. Plus, I hope that if someone ever reads this, (60th post!) they'll be mildly entertained. On a weirder note, I went to Church today after four or five years, and not only that but I received communion! As that was occurring, I wondered if communion makes us cannibals, since it's the "body & blood of Christ". Anyone else ever wonder that, or is it just me? Nah, it can't be just me. Also, in Orthodox communion, right before when you are about to receive the communion, the priest asks for your name, and then he blesses you. So I thought that if I were a priest, I'd just mess up peoples names, just for the fun of it. "Your name?"
"James". "Bless you John, in the name of the father etc." See, I think things like this are hilarious. You know, cause they so are.

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