Monday, March 30, 2009

Light bulb effect.

Pretty interesting day. I think I already mentioned the whole "church" thing earlier, you don't think, you know asshole, so I'm just going to skip to the later part of the day. As soon as I got settled back into my room, I started talking to some friends on msn. I had told this one person that I would be writing not only one, but two songs during the weekend. Well, the truth is that I did have some inspiration but was just too lazy to do anything with it. So I say down later this evening and tried forcing a song out, which didn't really work out. However, since I had a songwriting mindset, there was a shining moment of inspiration while I was out smoking. Inspiration through inhalation, hehe. It was just a simple riff for a chorus, and one for the verse. So after getting that figured out on the guitar, I proceeded jotting down a couple lyrics. I wrote the chorus and one verse for it but I'm going to leave the rest for tomorrow since it's getting pretty late.
You know, cause it's a schoolday tomorrow.

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